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drove way造句

"drove way"是什么意思  
  • Factoryshenzhen yantian dock 100 minutes drive way
  • Factoryshenzhen shekou dock 80 minutes drive way
  • Factoryfuyong dock 40 minutes drive way
  • Factoryshenzhen baoan internatioal airdrome 30 minutes drive way
  • To use the installer in a manual , menu - driven way , add the boot argument
  • In the mechanical systems , gear driving is one of the most widely used driving ways , so the analysis and control of its dynamics is the focus of the current research
  • The implementation of the mechanism must depend on the certain drive way . at present drives way includes : yearly salary system , dynamic prestige drive and stock incentive . to solve operators " drive
  • The curve diagram of cylinder lifting force varies following the lifting bar was draw , the mechanism ? movement was simulated . the v - belt drive whose pulley is made by impact extrusion is the special drive way in farm machine
  • Interactive teaching is becoming one kind of new model teaching way , this article explains the application of interactive teaching pattern in computer culture basis teaching from three aspects : classroom teaching , computer - aid teaching and the mission driving way
  • Therefore devotes after the fuyu county post office work to the enterprise human resources work reform . important constituent is the salary system reform and the adjustment . lacks other drive ways in at present in the situation , the achievements salary must become drives staff ' s fundamental mode
  • It's difficult to see drove way in a sentence. 用drove way造句挺难的
  • The kernel architecture based on faith mechanism is utilized by the functional main agent within the node so as to respond to the change of environment in react - driven way while carrying out various diagnoses and recovery in a goal - driven manner in every node , thus the local adaptive management is complemented efficiently
  • The knowledge staff has the high quality , realizes the self - value intense desire , takes characteristics and so on achievement drive and spiritual drive . the management knowledge staff should adopt fully gives realizes the individual value development space , implements comprehensive measures and so on salary strategy , correct effective drive ways and means . the stimulation knowledge staff ' s biggest potential , develops for the enterprise and the organization makes a bigger contribution
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